Governance and committees
General Assembly
It brings together all researchers, partners and students involved in Revue3.0. It suggests substantive research orientations, is responsible for voting on matters of general interest and approving the annual balance sheet. It is the body that ensures the collegiality of the project. It meets once a year, with remote consultations as needed to encourage the participation of people with family and other commitments.
Scientific Committee
It is made up of the principal investigator, the axis/workstream directors, 4 partners and one student. Its members are elected every two years by the General Assembly. The committee monitors the progress of research in the 3 axes/workshops, while ensuring compliance with the project’s scientific methodologies and theoretical objectives. It meets twice a year, with remote consultations as required.
Executive Committee
It brings together the principal investigator, the coordinator, a representative of the researchers, as well as partners and students. It is the operational body of the project: it ensures its feasibility and oversees the quality and legitimacy of the approach. This committee meets once a month by video conference, but remains in permanent contact via a messaging platform.
Axis Committees
These 3 committees will be responsible for the research and experimentation of an axis/workstream. They are each steered by 2 researchers (Canadian-European pair) and 2 partners who change annually; they also involve the students taking part in each axis/workstream. These committees direct the scientific research and ensure the link between theoretical research and experiments. They will be responsible for providing the Executive Committee with an annual report on scientific operations. They meet every two months, with remote consultations as required.
Training and Dissemination Committee
Composed of a partner, a researcher, a student and the coordinator. This committee is responsible for organizing training courses and overseeing dissemination activities (see Mobilization Plan and Training and Mentoring). It will work with the EDI committee and the host institution to organize EDI training and ensure equitable access to training opportunities. The host institution will work closely with this committee, providing logistical support for training ($15,000), multimedia rooms ($7,000), workspace ($28,000) and funding for research and training residencies at partner sites (see Contributions Plan). This committee meets quarterly.
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization Committee
This transversal committee, headed by Lai-Tze Fan and Marc Jahjah, experts in EDID issues in publishing, will be made up of 2 partner representatives, 2 researchers and 2 student representatives. The GA will actively solicit this committee, which will produce annual reports. This committee works with all the other committees, particularly during project launches and interim conclusion phases. It will be in regular contact with the UdeM EDI Advisory Committee and its table of faculty respondents, who will provide support for all these initiatives. The EDID Committee meets as required, at least once a quarter, and is responsible for ensuring the project’s commitment to EDID in research practices, as well as in research design.